Innovation Group anuncia su adquisición por parte de Allianz X
La asociación respaldará los planes de crecimiento de Innovation Group como empresa independiente bajo el equipo de gestión actual Londres/Múnich, 10 de octubre de 2022 – Innovation Group, un proveedor líder mundial de soluciones tecnológicas y de siniestros para los sectores de seguros y automóviles, anuncia hoy que Allianz X ha llegado a acuerdos vinculantes […]
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BizTrends2017: Key challenges for OEMs to tackle in 2017
Most of the automotive sector would agree that 2016 was a tough year as a result of slow economic growth. Although we saw a decline in vehicle sales, the industry hopes to see a gradual pick-up of sales in 2017. For the industry and the economy to stabilise, we need an improvement in GDP growth. […]
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How design thinking can help you know your customers better than they know themselves
While the term design most often conjures up images of objects – from clothing to consumer products to skyscrapers – true design in its most honest form refers to a dynamic process rather than a static end-result. Quite simply, design thinking is the process of observing, researching, experimenting, modelling and testing processes (as well as […]
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